Items for Window Light Items for Aladino / Lucifero

All items displayed on our website are made by Phoxene, and are not original items

Brand-names mentioned in our website are trademarks of their respective companies.

None of them are affiliated with Phoxene in any way, nor do they endorse Phoxene products.

When Phoxene offers compatible parts, the word “compatible” means that Phoxene parts will work with the mentioned equipment.

Flashtubes compatible with Window light Aladino and Window light Lucifero heads

For more than 30 years, Phoxene has been supplying the biggest photo studios worldwide with flashtubes, domes and accessories for their flash heads.

Window Light is a quite confidential Italian brand, but many users praise the quality of the Aladino and Lucifero heads made by this firm. Window Light is now closed, but photographers can get flashtubes for these heads from Phoxene.

Improve your flash head with Phoxene items

Phoxene aims at offering the highest standards of quality and our items are at least as good as original ones. Our flashtubes for Window Light Aladino and Window Light Lucifero heads are made of Quartz, for the longest expected lifespan possible. All Phoxene flashtubes are tested before being sent to our customers.